Field maintenance Role

Field maintenance and upkeep includes bleachers & dugouts.

Each team is responsible for the cleanup of their dugouts, common areas and bleachers (especially under them) after each game. As a reminder, the HOME team is responsible for prepping the field for the games and the VISITING team is responsible for striking the field after the games. All managers are responsible for properly prepping & striking the field for their individual practices (obviously minus the painting of the base lines & batter’s box). This applies to EVERY division of play! Please show respect for each other by doing your fair share and to show appreciation for all of the time, money and hard work that has been put into our fields to make the best playing surfaces around for our kids.

If applicable, remove the tarps from the mound and home plate area, fold neatly and store in the equipment shed for the duration of the game(s)/practice.

If there are any puddles or standing water on any of the dirt surfaces of the field, please use the Quick Dry mix (located in the shed behind the Field.   DO NOT USE MORE THAN 3 bags.

If the field needs water, lightly dampen the infield skin, base paths and home plate area with water.  

Local Sponsors

Central Greenbrier Little League

Central Greenbrier Little League, PO Box 1379
Lewisburg, West Virginia 24901

Phone: 304-661-3535

Email: [email protected]