
2022 CGLL Coach Pitch Baseball Rules

·        10 Players play the field with four outfielders.  A minimum of 8 players are required for a coach pitch game.  If a team only has 8 players then the 9th spot will be an automatic out.  Teams must use a continuous batting order.

·        2 Coaches are allowed on field when team is on defense.  A 3rd coach should play behind catcher and help retrieve the ball to speed the game up. 

·        A maximum of 4 Coaches allowed in dugout

·        Player pitcher must stay within 3 ft. on either side of coach pitching.

·        Players must play a minimum of 6 outs.

·        Continuous batting order; however, an inning is over after 3 outs are collected

·        A batter gets 5 pitches or 3 swinging misses (i.e. strikes) then the batter is out.  A batter is not out if they foul off the 5th pitch, but the next pitch must be fouled or put in play to continue their at-bat. 

·        Coaches are required to pitch from a kneeling position or sitting on a bucket from a distance of 25 to 30 feet.  This rule was adopted on March 3, 2019 in order to allow kids to better track the ball from the pitchers hand to home plate.  Little league international strongly recommends coaches pitching.  Coaches must use overhand.   A ball hitting the coach is considered a live ball.   If the coach catches it, just drop it.  (Passed unanimous on March 3, 2019) 

·        A runner starts on 1st base every inning (last out of last batter)

·        No On-Deck circle

·        Runner/s only advance on an overthrow IF ball goes out of play (out of fenced in area) and only one base.

·        All runner/s must stop when any player GAINS POSSESSION of the ball.  A runner more than ½ way between bases will proceed at his/her own risk. 

·        Base Coaches cannot assist/touch runner (High Fives alright)

·        No Infield Fly Rule

·        1 hr 30 minute = Time Limit  

·        5 run limit per team per inning

·        Coaches on the field make the call regarding out/safe

Local Sponsors

Central Greenbrier Little League

Central Greenbrier Little League, PO Box 1379
Lewisburg, West Virginia 24901

Phone: 304-661-3535

Email: [email protected]