League Bylaws

League Bylaws


The name of the corporation is Central Greenbrier Little League, not for profit, hereinafter referred to as the "Local League".  The principal mailing address shall be: PO Box 1379 Lewisburg, WV 24901.



Section 1 Eligibility. Any person sincerely interested in active participation may become a member. 


Section 2 Levels of Membership. There shall be the following levels of Membership:


(a)    Player Members‐ Any player candidate meeting the requirements of Little League Regulation IV and who reside or attend an accredited school within the authorized boundaries of the Local League shall be eligible to compete for participation but shall have no rights, duties, or obligations in the management or in the property of the local league.  


(b)    Regular Members‐ Any adult actively interested in furthering the goals of the Local League may become a Board Member upon election as hereafter provided. All Officers, Board Members, Committee Members, Managers, Coaches and other elected or appointed officials must be in good standing. 


(c)    Honorary Members‐ Any person may be elected as Honorary Member by the unanimous vote of all Directors present at any duly held meeting of the Board of Directors but shall have no rights, duties, or obligations in the management or the property of the Local League.  


Section 3 Rights of Membership

Members shall have the following rights pursuant to their good standing status:

(a)  Eligibility to serve on the Board

(b)  Eligibility to serve as a Manager, Coach, or Team Parent in the Local League



Section 4 Suspension or Termination of Membership.  Membership may be terminated by resignation or action of the Board of Directors.

(a)  Officers of the League shall discuss and bring forth to the Board of Directors violations of any rule, regulation, policy, procedure, or Code of Conduct that may result in termination of membership.  The Board of Directors, by a twothirds vote of those present at any constituted meeting, shall have the authority to discipline, suspend, or terminate the membership of any Member when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the best interest of the Local League and/or Little League Baseball.  The Member involved shall be notified of such meeting, informed of the general nature of the changes and given an opportunity to appear at the meeting to answer such charges.

(b) Officers of the League shall discuss and bring forth to the Board of Directors violations of the Board Member Code of Conduct that may result in removal from the board.  The Board of Directors, by a twothirds majority vote of those present at any constituted meeting, shall have the authority to remove the offender from the Board of Directors.  

(c)  In the event of such charges being made against a Manager, Coach, Umpire, or Player Member, the League President or Vice President shall convene a Disciplinary Committee.  The Disciplinary.  Committee shall consist of the local League President, Vice President (as the committee chairperson), Player Agent, Safety Officer, and Coaching Coordinator.  It should be noted that if one of the aforementioned members of the Disciplinary Committee is the subject of the charge, they shall forfeit their place on the committee and be replaced by another Regular Member.

(1)               The Disciplinary Committee shall, in the case of a Player Member, give no less than 24 hours’ notice to the Manager of the team of which a player is a member.  Said manager shall appear in the capacity of an advisor.

(2)               The Disciplinary Committee shall meet before the Manager’s, Coach’s, Umpire’s, or Player’s next scheduled game or within 72 hours of the incident.

(3)               Pertinent information concerning the alleged incident shall be provided to the disciplinary committee in writing or in person by the person(s) making the complaint.  Person(s) making the complaint may not be a member of the disciplinary hearing.

(4)               After hearing the complaint, the subject of the hearing shall have the opportunity to address the Disciplinary Committee.

(5)               The Disciplinary Committee, by a majority vote of the committee, shall have full power to suspend or revoke the subject’s rights to future membership or participation.


  SECTION 5 - Absence at Board Meetings

          The league Secretary shall maintain a log of all Board Members present for each meeting. Any Board Member who is absent from three (3) regularly scheduled board meetings with unexcused absences (no advanced notice by phone or email), will be subject to removal from the Board of Directors following the rules set forth in the local league Constitution.


  SECTION 6 - Board Member Voting Procedures

  Voting will be conducted as set forth in Robert's Rules of Order and the local league Constitution.




  SECTION 1 - Amendments to the Bylaws

          These bylaws may be amended, repealed or altered, only for safety concerns or situations that conflict with the Little League rule book(s), or property agreement in whole or in part by a majority vote at any duly organized meeting of the Board of Directors, provided notice of the proposed change is included in the notice of such meeting.


   SECTION 2 - Player Registration

          Players may register in person at the pre-determined registration location and time, online (if available), or by contacting the Player Agent. 



The League Officers shall review the financial status of the league for the previous session and provide suggestion to the Board on the amount of the participation fee.  The Board will vote on the suggestion or make change to the amount of the participation fee.  The vote should be by two‐thirds majority of those present at any constituted meeting.





All field usage must be approved and scheduled by the league. Field preparation and usage by local league will follow and adhere to any contract or agreement with local league and other property owner(s).


  SECTION 1 - Game Rules and Schedules

          Cancellation of games will be determined by the chief umpire in consultation with the field coordinator and safety coordinator. 




   SECTION 1 - Division Structure

          A player's League Age determines their division eligibility as set forth in the Little League Baseball Rule Book.


A.      TEE BALL DIVISION - League age four, five and six year olds

Objective: To instruct players in the fundamentals of the game in a fun, low-key atmosphere. At no time should winning or losing take priority in this program!


B.      Coach Pitch (MACHINE PITCH) - (6-7-8 year olds) - League age six – eight year olds.  Objective: To further instruct the player coming out of Tee-Ball, the fundamentals of the game in a fun, low-key atmosphere. Emphasis in this program should be on the proper technique of throwing, catching, running, hitting and field positions.


C.      MINOR LEAGUE DIVISION (PLAYER PITCH COMBO) - (8-9-10 year olds) - League age 8, 9 and 10 year olds.

Objective: To instruct players in the fundamentals of the game in a fun, low-key atmosphere. Provide an outlet of healthful activity and training under good leadership. Establish the values and concepts of teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play. To further develop the techniques of throwing, catching, running, hitting, and pitching.


D.      MAJOR (LITTLE LEAGUE) DIVISION - League eleven and twelve year olds.

Objective: To establish the values and concepts of teamwork, sportsmanship, and fair play. To challenge the players towards the perfection of physical skills and bring into play the excitement of tactics and strategy.



   SECTION 2 - Divisions of Play






•       In order to normalize the talent on each team, a draft procedure will be established by the board.  The player agent will conduct the draft unless he/she is a coach in one of the respective leagues.  In those cases, the league President or another board member will oversee the draft.   The draft procedures will be approved ahead of time.  

•       Options for drafting include but not limited to: (1) Random draft order, (2) a snake draft (pick 1 in round 1 picks last in round 2 and so on), (3) resetting draft (the draft order is reset after each round). 


B.      MINOR BASEBALL DIVISION and Coach pitch division



•       The Minor League Division and Coach pitch division will use the same set of draft rules as the Major League Division.


C.      T-ball division

•       Instead of implementing a draft, the Local League Player Agent will divide the players into a specified number of teams based on the number of registered players.



The Local League President and /or designee will serve ex-officio as the director of the All-Star Selection Process. Prior to the end of the regular season, the Local League Player Agent shall preside over the All-Star Selection Committee process consisting of all managers in the Major/Minor League Division.  Players will be nominated by the manager in consultation with respective coaches.  Players will be ranked by each corresponding manager (major kids will be ranked by major coaches and etc.).  Each rank list will be submitted to the league president and/or designee to compile the results.  The results will be shared with all managers and the top 10 kids based on the final rankings will be awarded a spot on the all-star team unless for a valid reason like vacations and/or other extended absences.  The manager and coaches will have the final say on the next 2 to 4 kids depending on a 12, 13, or 14 team rosters.  The number of kids on the roster will be at the discretion of the manager and coaches.  


  SECTION 1 - Selection of Managers & Coaches

          The Local League Player Agent will select managers who are in good standing with the Local League and will be approved by the host league. The manager with the approval of the Local League Player Agent will select two coaches for each All-Star team.


SECTION 2 - Selection of Players


Only current managers of the respective division are eligible to vote for players.


*All selected players must meet eligibility requirements as set forth by Little League Baseball All-Star Tournament Rules.






Section 1 Authority

The management of the property and affairs of the Local League shall be vested in the Board of Directors.


Section 2 Elections

The Board of Directors will be elected in October at the Annual Membership Meeting.  The Board’s term of Office shall continue until its successors are elected and qualified under this section. 


Section 3 Eligibility

In order to campaign for a position on the Board of Directors, the candidate must be a Regular Member in good standing.


Section 4 Increase in Number

The number of Directors, shall not be less than six (6) nor more than twenty‐five (25).  These numbers may be increased at a General Membership meeting or Special Meeting of the Board of Directors.  All elections of additional Directors shall be by a majority vote of all Regular Members present or represented by a properly executed and signed absentee ballot filed with the Secretary prior to the meeting.  The Directors shall, upon election, immediately enter upon the performance of their duties and shall continue in office until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified.




Section 5 Vacancies

If any vacancy occurs in the Board of Directors, it may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Directors at any regular Meeting or at any Special Meeting called for that purpose.  Vacancies shall be filled by the Officer governing that vacancy until such time as the Board of Directors supplies a replacement. If a vacancy occurs, the Secretary must notify all members of the new vacancy; the members shall be given five (5) business days to respond indicating interest. The new Directors may be elected at any subsequent meeting.  All elections of additional Directors shall be by a majority vote of all Regular Members present or represented by a properly executed and signed absentee ballot filed with the Secretary prior to the meeting.  The Directors shall, upon election, immediately enter upon the performance of their duties and shall continue in office until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified.







Section 6 Board Meetings, Notice and Quorum

Regular meetings for the Board of Directors shall be held immediately following the annual election and on such days thereafter as shall be determined by the Board.  The President or the Secretary may, whenever they deem it advisable, call for a Special Meeting of the Board, providing five (5) days written notice.  Notice of each meeting shall be given by the secretary to each Director via electronic mail or personal contact at least twenty‐four (24) hours prior to the meeting. The Officers of the Board (Executive Board) shall meet regularly prior to the meeting of the Board of Directors.  A simple majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


Section 7 Duties and Powers of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall have power to appoint such standing committees as it shall determine appropriate and to delegate such powers to them as the Board shall deem advisable and which it may properly delegate.


The Board may adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct of its meeting and the management of the Local League as it may deem proper.

The Board shall have the power by a two‐thirds majority vote of those present at any regular or special meeting to discipline, suspend, or remove any Director or Officer or Committee member of the Local League in Accordance with the Procedure set forth in Article III, Section 4(a).






Section 1 Officers

The Officers of the Local League, also known as the Executive Board, shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary/Information Officer, Treasurer, Player Agent, Coaching Coordinator, and Safety Officer.  All Officers shall hold office for the ensuing year or until their successor is duly elected.  The Board of directors may appoint such other officers or agents as it may deem necessary or desirable, and may prescribe the powers and duties of each and may fill any vacancy which may occur in any office by a two‐thirds majority vote of members at any constituted meeting of the Board of Directors.  




The President shall:

(a)   Conduct the affairs of the Local League and execute the policies established by the Board of Directors.

(b)  Present a report of the condition of the Local League at the annual meeting.

(c)   Communicate to the Board of Directors, such matters as deemed appropriate and make such suggestions as may tend to promote the welfare of the Local League.

(d)  Be responsible for the conduct of the Local League in strict conformity to the policies, principles, Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball, Incorporated, as agreed to under the conditions of the charter issued to the Local League b that organization.

(e)  Designate in writing, other officers if necessary, to have power to make and execute for/and in the name of the Local League such contracts and leases that may receive and which have had prior approval of the Board.

(f)    Investigate complaints, irregularities, and conditions detrimental to the Local League and report to the Board of Directors or Executive Board as circumstances warrant.

(g)   Prepare and submit an annual budget to the Board of Directors and be responsible for the proper execution thereof.

(h)  With the assistance of the Player Agent, examine the application and support proof‐of‐age documents of every player candidate and certify to residence and age eligibility before the player may be accepted for tryouts and selection.



The Executive Vice President shall, in case of the absence or disability of the President, and provided he/she is authorized by the President or Board so to act, perform the duties of the President.  When so acting, shall have all the powers of that office and shall have such other duties from time to time as assigned by the Board of Directors or The President.  


The Executive Vice President shall directly oversee the Umpire Coordinator and be responsible for all matters associated with that role.


SECRETARY OFFICER (Secretary) The Secretary shall:

(a)                Be responsible for recording the activities of the Local League and maintain appropriate files, mailing lists, and necessary records.

(b)               Perform such duties as are herein specifically set forth, in addition to such other duties as are customarily incident to the office or Secretary or as may be assigned by the Board of Directors. (c) Maintain a list of all Regular, Sustaining, and Honorary Members, Directors and committee members and give notice of all meetings of the Local League, the Board of Directors, and committees. (d) Keep the minutes of the meetings of the Members, the Board of Directors, the Executive Board, and cause them to be recorded in a book kept for that purpose.

(e)  Shall conduct all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated in connection with said meeting and shall be responsible for carrying out all orders, votes, and resolutions not otherwise committed.

(f)   Notify Members, Directors, Officers and committee members of their election or appointment.



The Treasurer shall:

(a)   Perform such duties as are herein set forth and such duties are customarily incident to the Office of Treasurer or may be assigned by the Board of Directors.

(b)  Receive all monies and securities, and deposit same in a depository approved by the Board of Directors.

(c)   Keep records for receipt and disbursement of all monies and securities of the Local League including the Auxiliary, approve all payments from allotted funds, and draw checks therefore in agreement with policies established in advance of such actions by the Board of Directors. 

(d)  Prepare an annual budget report under the direction of the President for submission to the Board of Directors



The Player Agent shall:

(a)   Receive all registration records, whether submitted in person or online.

(b)  Conduct the tryouts, the player draft and all other player transactions or selection meetings. (c) Develop team rosters for draftable divisions as well as placement of players in non-draftable divisions.  

(c)   Prepare the player agent’s list (waiting list)

(e)Prepare the team rosters, coach/manager rosters, tournament team rosters, and tournament team eligibility affidavit for submission to Little League International.  Ensure rosters are uploaded to Little League International.

(f)  Notify Little League Headquarters of any subsequent replacements or trades.



The Safety Officer shall:

(a)                Be responsible for creating awareness, through education and information, of the opportunities to provide a safer environment for kids and all participants of Little League baseball

(b)               Develop and implement a plan for increasing safety of activities, equipment, and facilities through education, compliance, and reporting using the following format:

1.    Education‐ 

Facilitate Safety Meetings

Distribute Information among participants including players, league officials, parents, guardians, and other volunteers.

2.    Compliance‐

Promote safety compliance leadership by assisting league participants in their awareness of the safety opportunities that arise from these responsibilities.

3.    Reporting‐ 

Define a process so that incidents are recorded and information is sent to league district, and national offices.  



The Coaching Coordinator shall:

(a)   Represent Coaches/Managers in the league

(b)  Present a Coach/Manager training budget to the board.

(c)   Gain the support and funds necessary to implement a league wide training program.    

(d)  Order and distribute training materials to players, coaches and managers.

(e)  Coordinate training clinics

(f)   Serve as the contact person for Little League and its Manager‐ Coach education Program for the league.




DIVISION Coordinators

The coordinator of any division shall:

(a)  Maintain regular contact with managers within the division to ensure rules, regulations, policies, and bylaws are followed.

(b)  Coordinate with the Field Coordinator and Equipment Manager to ensure fields are properly maintained and appropriate equipment is available for each team.

(c)  Act as a liaison between the members of the division and the Board of Directors.



The Field Coordinator shall:

(a)  Plan the Field Maintenance weekend(s) prior to the start of the season.

(b)  Develop and maintain a plan to keep fields in good playing condition.  Continually monitor fields for safety hazards.  Work with Division Vice Presidents to ensure fields are properly maintained during the season.

(c)  Work with the Division Vice Presidents to coordinate the practice schedule for each division.



The Equipment Manager shall:

(a)  Order equipment and supplies for the league during the season including baseballs, helmets, catcher’s gear, baseball bats, bases, pitching rubbers, baseball tees, and other equipment needed by the league.

(b)  Ensure all equipment meets safety standards set forth by Little League baseball

(c)  Work with Division Vice Presidents to ensure every team has the equipment necessary to safely play and/or practice.     

(d)  Monitor equipment during the season to make repairs, and or replace as necessary.




The Fundraising Coordinator shall:

(a)                Research options for mandatory fundraiser and present to the Board of Directors for a vote.  Include participation fees and or buyout options. 

(b)               Monitor and track participation in the mandatory fundraiser.  Collect monies owed by members and provide deposits to treasurer upon collection.

(c)                Work with Team Parent and Event Coordinators to conduct any other fundraisers at Local League events.



The Concessions Coordinator shall;

(a)  Oversee the Local League’s Concession stand, making sure all equipment and food handling is in compliance with applicable health and safety laws.

(b) Ensure the stand is well stocked for each event or game, including regular season and post season play.

(c)  Compose and post guidelines for working the concession stand.



The Umpire COORINATOR shall;

(a)   Coordinate all umpires for Minor, Major, and Junior Division games according to the Local League Schedule.

(b)  Provide information and training to umpires regarding Local League bylaws.

(c)   In the event a scheduled umpire does not show up for a game, be available to find a replacement.



 These Bylaws have been approved by the Local League Board of Directors.


______________________________________ __________________________

   Signature                                                                        Date


   Local League President


 Little League ID Number                                           Federal ID Number

Local Sponsors

Central Greenbrier Little League

Central Greenbrier Little League, PO Box 1379
Lewisburg, West Virginia 24901

Phone: 304-661-3535

Email: [email protected]